On September 15, 2016, one of the biggest announcement in the Angular history has happened. Brad Green announced that Angular 2 Final is out!

Angular 2.0
Angular 2.0

Even though it took about 2.5 years to reach this milestone, this is really just the start. There are plans to release the Angular Material implementation for Angular 2, broader support for server-side rendering, more guides and much much more. Head over to the official blog to learn more about the future plans (we’re super excited that we made it into the list of contributors, next to all the great people who made Angular 2 happen). Or, check out Juri’s great write-up of the event.

Major announcements

Angular 2 is going to have breaking changes only every 6 months from now on. So the next one would be around February with Angular 3. Yes exactly, they’re also finally switching to semantic versioning which is a huge win in my opinion. That way you can easily recognise whether a release is breaking or not.

For easier upgrading, they will start releasing an open source tool they’ve already been using internally, which aims at helping you to to semi-automatically upgrade your application, even in case of breaking changes.

Obviously the team will continue to do regular releases of non-breaking changes.

In the next couple of months, they’re heavily working on – animations – help push web workers out of experimental status – many improvements to mobile, especially for PWA (Progressive Web App) support – improved support for more universal languages like Java and Go

A release of a fully functional suite of material design components is very close as well!

Full Interview

Here’s the official announcement and the recording of the meetup.


What’s next?

Angular is now ready for the world, and they’re excited for you to join the thousands of developers already building with Angular 2.  But what’s coming next for Angular?

A few of the things you can expect in the near future from the Angular team:

  • Bug fixes and non-breaking features for APIs marked as stable
  • More guides and live examples specific to your use cases
  • More work on animations
  • Angular Material 2
  • Moving WebWorkers out of experimental
  • More features and more languages for Angular Universal
  • Even more speed and payload size improvements

Courtesy – Pascal PrechtJuri Strumpflohner