Dear All,

With your help and support we manage to put in some efforts and start some initiatives to help the needy in these unprecedented times. As we continue to do the same, it is incumbent upon us to ensure complete transparency and share some details with all those who contributed funds to us, with utmost trust, to enable us to convert some of these initiatives into reality.

Below are some of the details around where we deployed funds and put in our efforts and also around the next steps/initiatives/activities which we are aiming to achieve in the month of Ramzan.


Standard Food packets with daily necessities (₹ 2,75,000)

Round -1: Sponsored roughly 150 packets through different volunteers ever since lockdown started.

North Delhi Relief

Round – 2: Food packets, which we ourselves procured directly, for daily wage workers, widows, physically handicapped families, stranded migrant workers, etc. (those whose employment has impacted due to lack of employment in the prevailing conditions). Areas primarily covered are Okhla, Zakir Nagar, Batla House, Ghaffar Manzil within Jamia Nagar, with few exceptions beyond Jamia Nagar as well – Roughly 100 families.

Jamia Imdaad

Providing food items on need basis instead of standard food packets (₹ 90,000): Bulk quantities of essential items procured like Flour, rice, pulses, vegetables, tea, oil, etc and then items sent across based on the needs of different families. This was through a separate group focusing on a different area within Jamia Nagar, New Delhi primarily covering Jasola, Shaheen Bagh, Jaitpur, Madanpur, Abul Fazal , with few exceptions beyond Jamia Nagar as well.

Shaheen Bagh

Ration Packets in Chakuliya Village in Jamshedpur as well as in the city of Jamshedpur as well (Bihar) – (₹ 40,000): Around 80 food packets were distributed.

Chakuliya Village in Jamshedpur

Lucknow – Providing food items on need basis (₹ 10,000 + ₹ 15,000 ear-marked): Bulk quantities of essential items procured like Flour, rice, pulses, vegetables, tea, oil, etc and then items sent across based on the needs of different families.


Help with petty cash where it was either not possible to send food items or the needs were different like medicines – ₹ 50,000: Individuals were given cash mostly to the tune of ₹ 1,000/₹ 2,000 to meet their needs in Delhi as well as in some remote areas.

We have tried to ensure proper due diligence and all these initiatives are through the network of known connects. Even while distributing, we tried our best to ensure the help goes to the most deserving ones. However, it may happen that in spite of all our diligence we might have erred inadvertently. For the same, we would like to sincerely apologize and would request you to pray to the Almighty ALLAH to pardon and guide us in our future initiatives.


With the holy month of Ramzan starting in a week from now, we are now looking to help families, with a more specific focus on the needs from Ramzan’s perspective while continuing to help others with routine needs as we have been doing. We have identified the families on the basis of their existing financial conditions based on the circumstances they might be in (widows, senior citizens, physically handicapped, etc. ). We have divided them into 3 categories as below:

Red Zone Widow/Handicapped/Family Head Sick from Long Time and don’t have any earning hand.
Orange Zone Daily Wagers/Rickshaw Puller/Street Bagger(If known)
Green Zone Poor Family/Family whose guardian is  not getting salary due to the lock down and facing difficulty for daily basic necessities/Nearby Neighbours who are in need of Ration.

A sample snapshot of the family details is as below:


Name/Phone numbers/address have been masked to ensure identity is kept confidential – if someone would like to have these details from the perspective of helping any of these families directly, please let us know)

All the beneficiaries are verified and have come through known resources (to ensure it is not mis-used and relief goes to the deserving ones.

Based on our coverage and the criteria, we are looking to provide help as per the below table, which contains the anticipated funds requirements as well:

Anticipated Funds Requirements

To achieve the above objective, we would like to request you to continue with your support as the task is huge and we are stretched for the funds.

If you have any suggestions which can help us to manage this better, we would be eagerly looking forward for the same.

Request you to pray to ALLAH for easing the sufferings of the entire mankind.

If you have any questions or need any more specific information, please feel free to let us know.

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