Flock is a social networking browser based on Mozilla Firefox; flock was founded in 2005 based in Redwood City, CA. Flock is an open source company. Flock is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX in 12 languages, looks impressive on the first instance.

Flock 2.0 beta has been released on June 16, 2008, based on Firefox 3.0.

“Now our users can experience the best of both worlds with all of the performance and security improvements of Firefox 3, combined with Flock’s unique social browsing experience” as said by Shawn Hardin, CEO of Flock.

So what does social networking browser mean?

Let’s analyze the features and services of Flock; it supports web services like bookmarking, photo sharing, social networking, blogging etc.

Flock Toolbar

Flock toolbar hold cool features like my word, people sidebar, media bar, feeds, webmail, favorites, accounts etc.


If you click on services and enter your login, password, that’s it.

Media Bar

Another good tool is Media Bar, where you can watch your photo albums while surfing other sites.

There are other cool features too not going into deep detail just install it at your machine start play with it.

You can get the Flock browser from http://www.flock.com/download.

I do have Firefox 2/3, IE 6/7, Opera 9, Maxthon and some other browsers too, at times you don’t need so many browsers, but that’s my job so I have to keep all those. Flock is a kind of add on browser in your machine unless until you are an active member of social internet world.

But it’s always good to know something is available in the market and we don’t know, keep watching more stuff on the blog.