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News from the Blog
Frontend Learning Approach
We already have so many roadmaps on the web the popular one is (https://roadmap.sh/frontend) to get into World of…
September 18, 2022
Online Islamic Bookshop in India
The first online Islamic Bookshop in India with high quality & affordable prices at the comfort of your finger tips,…
December 5, 2020
Corona Lockdown Relief Initiative 2020
Alhamdulillah, with the help of ALLAH and your support we manage to put in some efforts and start some initiatives to…
April 23, 2020
Angular 2.0 is out
Even though it took about 2.5 years to reach this milestone, this is really just the start. There are plans to release…
September 17, 2016
MVC & backbone.js
I recently talked about (JavaScript) MVC (not JavaScriptMVC framework itself) in detail at work. If some of you are…
June 19, 2012
Facebook Like, YouTube Video Feed and AJAX using jQuery
Initially thought of just to write a small article on Facebook XFBML Like Widget but when I started writing with the…
November 17, 2010
iPhone 4 will be available in India soon!
The first iPhone was launched in June of 2007. The second iPhone 3G, launched in July 2008. And now Apple iPhone 4G is…
June 28, 2010
Build your first jQuery plugin
First and far most, we should say thanks to John Resig and his team to make our life so easier then before by making…
November 7, 2008